Redondo Beach, WA
WHAT... Minor flood risk due to moderate tide levels and stable weather conditions.
WHEN... Throughout the day with the highest risk during peak tide times in the early morning.
The predicted high tide reaches a maximum of about 20.3 feet with no significant precipitation forecasted. The barometric pressure is moderately high, suggesting stable weather, which mitigates flood risks. Compared to the historical event of 12/17/2022, the tide is slightly higher but without corresponding low pressure or heavy rain, leading to a lower risk category.
WHAT... Very minor flood risk with lower tide levels and no significant weather disturbances.
WHEN... Low risk throughout the day with no critical time frames to note.
The tide level peaks at approximately 19.9 feet, which is below the historical threshold. The weather forecast indicates partly cloudy conditions with no precipitation and a stable barometric pressure well above the historical low that contributed to previous flooding.
WHAT... Minimal flood risk as both tide levels and weather conditions do not suggest any immediate threats.
WHEN... The risk remains minimal throughout the day with stable weather patterns.
The maximum tide level is nearly 20.3 feet, similar to Day 1 but still below the historical flood event thresholds. Stable barometric pressure and clear skies further reduce any potential flood risks.
You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. Always refer to local authorities for the most current information and make decisions based on their guidance and official flood warnings.