Redondo Beach, WA
WHAT... Low risk of flooding based on current weather conditions and tide predictions.
WHEN... The weather data indicates low precipitation and moderate pressure, with no significant threat of a flood event on this day.
The predicted tide height does not approach the historical flood threshold. Weather conditions show no considerable rainfall, maintaining a stable barometric pressure well above the historical flood event reference. Cloud cover and humidity are relatively high, which typically precede rainfall, but the lack of significant precipitation in the forecast suggests a low likelihood of flooding.
WHAT... Low risk of flooding with continued stable weather conditions and tide levels.
WHEN... Persistent conditions similar to the previous day contribute to a minimal flood risk during this period.
The tide levels remain well below the threshold seen in the historical event, and weather data does not predict any significant rain or drastic changes in barometric pressure. The weather appears to be overcast which could suggest potential for future precipitation, but currently, the flood risk remains low.
WHAT... Slightly elevated risk of flooding due to increase in precipitation, but overall risk remains moderate.
WHEN... Light to moderate rainfall is expected, and while it increases the flood risk slightly, it does not yet reach alarming levels.
Light drizzle and rainfall are forecasted, which may contribute to higher humidity levels and slightly increase flood risks. However, the tide predictions are still below critical levels, and barometric pressure is not indicative of severe weather that could lead to a high-category flooding event.
You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. It's advisable to keep informed via local weather channels or advisories issued by meteorological departments for real-time updates.