Redondo Beach, WA
WHAT... The weather data for Redondo Beach, WA indicates overcast conditions with low chances of precipitation. High tide levels are expected, but the corresponding mean pressure MSL is significantly above the historical flooding threshold, with readings above 1040 hPa.
WHEN... Given the high barometric pressure and negligible precipitation, the flood risk for this day is relatively low despite the high tide. The likelihood of flooding based on NOAA's data stands at 5.9%, below critical concern levels.
Despite the forecasted high tide levels, the mean sea level pressure is well above the threshold associated with previous Category 4 events. Without the presence of additional risk factors such as substantial rainfall or low barometric pressure, significant flooding is not anticipated.
WHAT... Similar to Day 1, overcast conditions continue with minimal precipitation expected. The barometric pressure is slightly lower than on Day 1 but still well above the historical threshold for significant flooding risk.
WHEN... The probability of flooding remains relatively low on this day as well, with NOAA's flood likelihood rating at 6.8%. The high tides alone are not sufficient to cause major concerns without other aggravating weather factors.
While the barometric pressure has decreased compared to Day 1, it remains in a range that does not typically correlate with major flood events in this region. The lower pressure could contribute to slightly higher water levels than normal, but still within a manageable range for local infrastructure.
WHAT... On Day 3, we observe a further drop in barometric pressure approaching closer to historical event thresholds. Combined with high tide levels, there is an increased risk of coastal flooding.
WHEN... NOAA's flood likelihood increases to 8.8%, indicating a heightened risk of flooding events. While still categorized as High in terms of flood likelihood percentage, this remains below critical levels previously observed during Category 4 events.
The mean sea level pressure is approaching the lower benchmark associated with past Category 4 events; however, it has not yet dipped below the critical threshold of 992.8 hPa. As such, while there is an increased risk compared to the previous days, a significant flood event requiring immediate action is not forecasted at this time.
Residents and local authorities should monitor tide levels and barometric pressure closely. While current data does not indicate a severe flood risk, conditions can change rapidly. Localized flooding in low-lying areas may still occur due to high tides. It is recommended to stay informed through local weather advisories and heed any safety instructions from local emergency management officials.