Redondo Beach, WA
WHAT... The weather data indicates a sunny day with minimal cloud cover and no precipitation, suggesting a low likelihood of rainfall-induced flooding. The barometric pressure is significantly high, recorded at 1030.7 hPa and 1031.5 hPa during the highest tides, which greatly reduces the risk of flooding despite the occurrence of high tides. These conditions are far from the historical flooding events cited, where barometric pressures were well below 1002 hPa.
WHEN... The flood risk for December 23, 2023, is considered very low based on the current atmospheric conditions and historical comparisons.
The NOAA's Flood Likelihood Analysis for this day indicates a low likelihood of flooding at 0.9%, with the tide levels being well below the flood threshold. The high tides are not coinciding with low barometric pressure, which is a key factor in reducing flood risks. Given the clear skies and lack of significant rainfall, the day's conditions do not align with those that have historically led to flooding in Redondo Beach.
WHAT... Similar to Day 1, there is no precipitation expected, and the cloud cover is variable but does not indicate a storm system that could induce heavy rainfall or lower barometric pressures to concerning levels. The mean pressure MSL is above 1026 hPa during the high tides, reinforcing a continued low risk of flooding.
WHEN... Considering the weather forecast and historical data patterns, there is a negligible flood risk for December 24, 2023.
With NOAA's Flood Likelihood Analysis indicating an even lower likelihood of flooding at 0.2% and a distance to threshold indicating no immediate concern for high-tide related flooding, it remains consistent with the anticipated weather data. The atmospheric conditions are stable and not indicative of Category 4 or above events historically requiring significantly lower barometric pressures.
WHAT... The weather forecast shows light drizzle and moderate rain during the day, which might contribute to increased surface water compared to previous days. However, the barometric pressure remains notably higher than the thresholds observed during major past flooding events despite being lower than on previous days (around 1019 hPa).
WHEN... While there is a slight uptick in potential flood risk due to projected rain, it remains very low on December 25, 2023.
The NOAA's Flood Likelihood Analysis supports this assessment with a low likelihood percentage of 0.8%. The tide levels are expected to be below flooding thresholds; thus, even with light to moderate rain and slightly lower barometric pressure, conditions don't align with those observed during significant historical flood events in Redondo Beach.
Residents of Redondo Beach should monitor later forecasts and remain alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop. However, based on current forecasts and historical data comparisons, significant flood risks appear unlikely at this time. Always consult with local authorities or experts for final decision-making in flood-related situations.