Redondo Beach, WA
WHAT... The weather data for Redondo Beach, WA indicates an overcast day with a high tide at 11:06 with a mean pressure MSL of 1023.5805053710938 hPa. The barometric pressure is significantly higher than the threshold that historically indicates a severe flood event (992.8 hPa). Therefore, despite the high tide, the risk of flooding is considered low.
WHEN... Based on the current barometric pressure and historical data, flooding is not expected to be a concern for January 5, 2024.
The weather conditions, including cloud cover and barometric pressure, do not align with historical events that led to severe flooding. The high tide level is not accompanied by a low barometric pressure which significantly reduces the risk of flooding. The NOAA's Flood Likelihood Analysis also indicates a low likelihood of flooding for this date.
WHAT... The barometric pressure during the high tides at 11:42 and 21:00 are well above the threshold associated with past flood events, recorded at 1027.7838134765625 hPa and 1031.445068359375 hPa respectively. This suggests a very low likelihood of flooding.
WHEN... Given the high barometric pressures and absence of significant rainfall or low visibility, there is no expected flood risk for January 6, 2024.
Despite the occurrence of high tides, the atmospheric conditions are stable and do not indicate severe weather that could lead to flooding. The NOAA Flood Likelihood remains low, corroborating the assessment based on pressure and historical data comparisons.
WHAT... Similar to the previous days, the barometric pressure during high tides at 12:18 and 03:24 are recorded at 1026.62255859375 hPa and 1030.52587890625 hPa respectively, which are much higher than critical levels seen in historical flood events.
WHEN... The forecasted conditions for January 7, 2024, show no significant risk of flooding based on the current data analysis.
The weather data continues to show stable atmospheric conditions with no indication of extreme weather patterns that could contribute to flooding. The NOAA Flood Likelihood Analysis supports this conclusion with a low likelihood of flooding for this date as well.
Residents and visitors in Redondo Beach should monitor later forecasts but can be reassured that based on current data, there is no significant flood risk predicted for the next three days. However, it is always wise to stay informed through local news and weather channels. Those living in areas prone to flooding should always have a preparedness plan in place in case conditions change unexpectedly.