Redondo Beach, WA
No flooding expected. Weather and tidal conditions indicate a very low risk of coastal flooding.
No significant risk periods identified for this day.
No impacts anticipated. Normal conditions expected near shorelines and low-lying areas.
The barometric pressure during the high tide at 12:24 PM is high at 1027.04 hPa, significantly above the low-pressure thresholds associated with past flooding events. The tide height at that time is 19.38 feet, which is below the critical levels observed in historical Category 4 and 5 events (over 21 feet). Wind speeds are low, averaging around 6 km/h (4 mph) from the SSE, and do not contribute to increased flood risk. NOAA's Flood Likelihood is 0.0%, indicating minimal risk. Comparing these factors with historical data, there are no indications of potential flooding, resulting in a flood category of Category 1.
No flooding expected. Current conditions do not suggest any risk of coastal flooding.
No significant risk periods identified for this day.
No impacts anticipated. Regular coastal activities can proceed as usual.
On 2024-11-11, during the high tide at 1:00 PM, the barometric pressure is 1015.42 hPa, which remains well above the low-pressure thresholds linked to previous flood events. The tide height reaches 19.714 feet, still below the critical 21-foot mark noted in historical flooding incidents. Wind speeds are moderate, up to 20 km/h (13 mph) from the SSW, but wind direction and speed are not significant enough to elevate flood risk. NOAA's Flood Likelihood is reported at 0.1%, signaling a very low probability of flooding. Based on these assessments and comparisons with historical data, the flood category is determined to be Category 1.
No flooding expected. Weather and tidal conditions continue to indicate low flood risk.
No significant risk periods identified for this day.
No impacts anticipated. Coastal areas are expected to remain unaffected by flooding.
For the high tide on 2024-11-12 at 1:36 PM, the barometric pressure is high at 1023.25 hPa, which is substantially above the levels associated with historical flooding events. The tide height peaks at 19.991 feet, still below the critical heights observed in past Category 4 and 5 floods. Wind speeds are moderate, around 20 km/h (13 mph) from the SSW, and do not pose an increased flood risk. NOAA's Flood Likelihood stands at 0.2%, confirming a minimal chance of flooding. Analyzing these conditions in relation to historical data indicates no significant flood risk, resulting in a flood category of Category 1.
You should monitor later forecasts and be alert for possible Flood Warnings. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop.